Arrendamientos: conflictos con el pago de rentas, Terminacion del contrato, Desalojos.

Elaboracion de contratos de compraventa, Comodato, Hipotecas, Donacion, Copropiedad, etc.

Usucapion de inmuebles (Prescripcion Positiva)

Fusiones y Subdivisiones de inmuebles.

Conflictos en Inmuebles (Posesion y/o Propiedad.


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Leases: conflicts with the payment of rents, termination of the contract, evictions.

Elaboration of contracts of sale, loan, mortgages, donation, co-ownership, etc.

Real estate (prescription positive) Usucapion

Mergers and subdivisions of real estate.

Conflicts in real estate (possession or property.)

Restraining orders.

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